
11 March 1999


Sec. 1 The name of the Chapter shall be the Los Angeles Chapter (herein called the Chapter).

Sec. 2 The Chapter shall be a patriotic, educational, scientific, nonpolitical, nonprofit organization, comprised of individuals involved in the military, industry and government of the United States. The Chapter shall maintain and improve the cooperation and exchange of ideas among scientific, industrial and military personnel in the field of communications, computers, electronics and intelligence in a manner that vitally contributes to the national security of the United States and its free world allies.

Sec. 3 The Headquarters of the Chapter shall be designated by the Chapter President and be located within the Los Angeles area.


Sec. 1 Membership in AFCEA shall be open to all persons, without discrimination and to industrial organizations interested in furthering the objectives of AFCEA, who are willing to subscribe to the By-Laws and who are otherwise qualified under the provisions of the By-Laws set forth by AFCEA International. Membership may include citizens and industrial organizations of all nationals of the free world.


Sec. 1 The government of the Chapter shall be vested in its officers and other members of a Board of Directors, which may exercise all powers as may be exercised by the Chapter, subject to the provisions of the State of California, military regulations and the By-Laws of AFCEA International and the Chapter.

Sec. 2 The Board of Directors shall consist of the Chapter officers, the Regional Vice President, selected Area Representatives, two Past Presidents (including the Immediate Past President), and two, but not more than three, other individuals all appointed by the Chapter President.  In addition, other interested and active members may be nominated and elected by the Board as non-voting Associate Directors The Board of Directors shall have the authority to fill any vacancy for unexpired terms in all Chapter offices except that of President.  A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President Programs. Members of the Board of Directors and Associate Directors shall serve without pay.

The Board of Directors shall meet quarterly, at a minimum, at the call of the President or as needed.  A simple majority shall be considered a quorum. Each member of the Board shall have one (1) vote on the matters considered by the Board.

Sec. 3 The Chapter officers shall consist of the following eleven positions:

  • President
  • Vice President, Programs
  • Vice President, Communications
  • Vice President, Finance
  • Vice President, Membership
  • Vice President, Operations
  • Vice President, Publicity
  • Vice President, Scholarship
  • Vice President, Awards
  • Military Liaison Officer
  • Vice President,Young AFCEAN Affairs

The officers shall be elected or reelected each year during February to serve for one (1) year. Installation of new officers shall be at the Chapter’s March meeting of each year.

Sec. 4 The President shall have the authority, with the approval of the Board of Directors, to replace any Chapter officer that is not performing their duties in a satisfactory manner.


a. The Nominating Committee, consisting of the outgoing President, one Past President, and one member appointed by the President with Board approval shall be formed, meet and call for nomination from the general membership and existing Chapter officers. The Nominating Committee shall have the power to nominate, to accept or reject nominations from the general membership and cause to bring into existence a ballot for the upcoming year’s Chapter officers, and present ballots to the Election Committee for a secret vote, by February 1 of each year.

b. The Election Committee shall consist of the Board of Directors. To duly constitute a vote under these By-Laws each member of the Election Committee shall cast one (1) yes or no vote for each Chapter office or may abstain from voting.

c. Election to any Chapter office will be simple majority. In the event of a tie vote, a runoff vote will be provided by the Election Committee. Only the candidates who obtained a tie vote shall be re-voted on. In the event of another tie vote, a consensus vote of the Chapter President and the two most recent Past Presidents shall break the tie.

d. Chapter office requirements necessary for placement of a name on the ballot:

  1. All members of AFCEA Los Angeles Chapter in good standing.
  2. President: Should have served in at least two (2) Chapter offices with this Chapter or two years on the Chapter Board of Directors.
  3. Vice President, Programs: No prior Chapter experience required.
  4. Vice President, Communications: No prior Chapter experience required.
  5. Vice President, Finance: No prior Chapter experience required.
  6. Vice President, Membership: No prior Chapter experience required.
  7. Vice President, Operations: No prior Chapter experience required.
  8. Vice President, Publicity: No prior Chapter experience required.
  9. Vice President, Scholarship: No prior Chapter experience required.
  10. Vice president, Awards: No prior Chapter experience required.
  11. Military Liaison: No prior Chapter experience required.
  12. VP, Young AFCEAN Affairs: No prior Chapter experience required.
  13. Area Representatives: No prior Chapter experience required.

e. Reelection to the same Chapter office shall be permitted in all Chapter offices, but only for a maximum of two (2) terms unless special exemption granted by Chapter Board of Directors.

f. The number of Area Representatives and the areas which they represent will be determined by the Board of Directors. Candidate Area Representatives will be part of the annual slate of Officers.

When necessary, Interim Area Representatives can be appointed by nomination from the Chapter President and approval by majority vote by the Board of Directors.


shall be responsible for the supervision of the affairs of the Chapter and shall perform the duties of that office. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors and be ex-officio of all committees and of all subcommittees thereof.  In addition, the President shall serve on the By-Laws Committee.

shall serve as the Chairperson of Programs and will be responsible for securing pertinent, quality speakers for monthly Chapter meetings.  The Vice President Programs shall take over the duties of the President, in the absence of the President.

shall be responsible for keeping all administrative and historical records of the Chapter and for disseminating information to the membership concerning meetings, conferences, and other official activities of the Chapter. These duties will include recording and preserving minutes of Board of Directors meetings; preparing the monthly luncheon meeting notice/flyer and forwarding it for printing and distribution; and ensuring the web site is up-to-date with current and accurate information.

shall be responsible for al financial transactions and records of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall insure that all Chapter financial matters are handled in a prompt and responsible manner. Payment for any Chapter expense item in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) other than luncheon costs for Chapter meetings shall require the approval of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall submit monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors in a format determined by the President and/or the Board.

shall chair the Membership Committee and maintain the records for the Chapter memberships and actively promote joining the Association whenever possible and appropriate.

shall be responsible for coordinating Chapter luncheon meetings with specific meeting places and all arrangements. Duties also include taking reservations for Chapter monthly luncheon meetings, arranging venues (i.e., restaurant reservations), menu selection, setup, tracking attendance, collecting luncheon payments, coordinating military and other seating, and assigning corporate tables.

shall be responsible for taking pictures at each Chapter meeting and for submitting articles to SIGNAL magazine on a monthly basis. Responsibilities also include all Chapter publicity requirements (e.g., symposia, special meetings) and actively publicizing upcoming Chapter functions and Chapter activities in general.

shall be responsible for planning and implementing Chapter scholarship and educational programs. Duties include administering the Chapter’s Los Angeles area ROTC scholarships program and the AFCEA International-sponsored Science Tools Teaching Awards program.

shall be responsible for managing, monitoring, and implementing the Chapter’s awards programs, sponsored both by the Chapter and by AFCEA International. Duties include planning key milestones for timely submission and approval of nominations, arranging data inputs, drafting and coordinating reviews and editing of nominations, and on-time submission.

shall be the point of contact for activities involving local military personnel and bases. This individual shall advise the Board on current conflict of interest requirements, make recommendations on proper AFCEA/military interactions and coordinate AFCEA/military interactions with the local military JAG offices.

shall be the focal point for all Chapter Young AFCEAN activities. This individual shall coordinate Young AFCEAN business with other chapters, Regional VPs, and AFCEA International. They also will advise the Board on special activities, meetings, speakers or other Young AFCEAN interests.


shall be responsible for coordinating Chapter activities in geographic areas of particular interest to the LA Chapter. The will represent Chapter members in their area on the Chapter Board of Directors, make recommendations to the Board for activities of interest to their area members and coordinate special meetings for AFCEA members in their area.

b. The immediate PAST PRESIDENT
shall render the President such assistance as required and in the absence of the President and all Chapter Vice Presidents shall take over the duties of the President. In addition, he/she shall serve as Chairperson of the By-Laws Committee.

c. Associate Directors are interested and active members who may be nominated and elected to serve as non-voting members of the Board of Directors.


Sec. 1 Amendments to these By-Laws shall be proposed by the By-Laws Committee and submitted to a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors for approval in the meeting at which a quorum (51%) of the Board of Directors is present.

Sec. 2 Proposed amendments shall be submitted for discussion and recommendations among the Board of Directors. The Chapter may then adopt them by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 3 The By-Laws Committee shall consist of the Chapter President, a Chapter Past President and at the discretion of the Chapter President, one member appointed by the President and approved by the Board. There shall be an annual review of the Chapter By-Laws and the By-Laws Committee will prepare the required amendments and present them to the Board of Directors for approval.


Sec. 1 Membership dues shall conform to the dues established by the Association Board of Directors.  Additional funds for Chapter activities may be raised upon approval by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 2 No part of the Chapter’s earnings shall be to the benefit of its members.


Sec. 1 The Vice President, Communications shall give the membership written notice of the date, time, and location of meetings, conferences, and other official activities of the Chapter at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. In addition, the Vice President, Operations shall take reservations for Chapter meetings and generally attend to keeping track of attendance, providing name tag badges and collecting for the cost of the meeting.  The Vice President, Operations will ensure arrangements are made for meeting venues, setup and menu selection. The Vice President, Programs will determine head table seating in coordination with the President and Vice President, Operations.


Sec. 1 MEMBERSHIP – The Membership Committee shall consist of the Vice President Membership and appointed committee members from among the Chapter membership. Its goal will be strengthening and building up the various classes of Chapter membership.

Sec. 2 PROGRAMS – The Program Committee shall consist of the Vice President Programs, as Chairperson, and at least two (2) other members appointed by the President, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors. It will be responsible for selecting appropriate topics and acquiring quality, pertinent speakers for the monthly meetings and any special functions as directed by the President.

Sec. 3 BY-LAWS – The By-Laws Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, as Chairperson, Chapter President and, at the discretion of the Chapter President, one additional member appointed by the Chapter President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors. The committee shall conduct the annual review of the Chapter By-Laws and will prepare the required amendments and present the same to the Board of Directors.

Sec. 4 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE – The Scholarship Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President, Scholarship and include and any other member as appropriate, but limited to two (2), appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. This committee will develop a scholarship program on an annual basis that will be presented to the Board for approval and implementation.

Sec. 5 NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Reference Article III, Sec. 5, Para a.

Sec. 6 ELECTION COMMITTEE – Reference Article III, Sec. 5, Para b.

Sec. 7 AWARDS COMMITTEE – The Awards Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President, Awards and include and any other members as appropriate, but limited to two (2), appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The Awards Committee will manage, monitor, and implement the LA Chapter’s award program and coordinate nominations for AFCEA International Awards. All recommendations for LA Chapter and AFCEA International Awards will be approved by the Board.

Sec. 8 With the exception of the Chapter By-Laws Committee, all committees shall be required to submit reports to the Board of Directors at least once per year.  Additionally, the Membership and Program Committees shall be required to present annual written reports to the general membership. Written reports may be waived by a vote of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 9 DELEGATES – Each Chapter is entitled to send one delegate per 100 members (but not less than two in any case) to the annual meeting held in conjunction with the AFCEA International Convention. Delegates will be appointed by the Chapter President and/or elected by a simple majority of the Chapter Board of Directors.


Sec. 1 AIMS AND PURPOSES – The aims and purposes of this Chapter shall be those set forth in the International By-Laws as covered by Article 1 of the By-Laws of this Chapter.

Sec. 2 CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP – The classes of membership of the Chapter shall conform to those outlined in the International By-Laws, i.e., Full Membership, Life Membership, Student Membership, Group Membership, Honorary Membership and Allied Membership.

Sec. 3 MEMBERSHIP DUES – Membership dues shall conform to the dues as outlined in the International By-Laws. Additional funds for local Chapter activities may be raised if necessary upon approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

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